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Gloucester Cumberland Ringette Association
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Call out for Coaches!


We are currently seeking interest for coaches at all levels: AA, A, B, C and FunDamentals. Read on to find out more!

We are asking all candidates for all levels  AA, A, B, C and FUNdamentals to complete the coaching application form and send it in for pre-screening.  You may choose to include a resume as well and/or instead, this application form is intended to provide guidance as to some key areas that will be considered.


  1. Application templateCoaching application template - download from out website here
  2. Where to send: Please send your application to both Nathalie Altherr (VP Operations) and Joel Hazzan (Director of Coaching)
    • For AA and A teams, applications are due by 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
    • For B, C and FUN teams, applications are due by 5:00pm on Sunday, August 14, 2022.
  4. Please indicate in the subject line which team you are applying for.
  5. You may apply for more than one team.

Other information:

  • QUESTIONS?   All questions pertaining to coach selection are to be directed to the VP of Operations
  • If multiple applications are received for the same position/team, interviews will be held. 
  • For coaches seeking positions on AA and A teams, the process is more rigorous and typically  includes an interview process, whereas for the regional and FUNdamentals (previously Novice U10 and under) the experience required is less and the selection process is expected to be lighter.
Thank you! 

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