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Gloucester Cumberland Ringette Association

2019 GCRA AGM - New Governance Structure

New Council Format
Focus Areas for Councils - How they work
Who is in what role, what is still open?  Looking for rewarding volunteer work?  Check it out!
Why now -  Background


At the 2019 AGM GCRA adopted new bylaws.   With the new bylaws, The governing body of the GCRA shall be the membership represented by a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 40 members who shall be part of defined councils.  The format of these councils are no longer defined within the bylaws.

The structure currently in place, with many people who stood for election at the AGM and many positions still vacant, is shown below.  
This structure gives every role within the council a vote and therefore a say in the decisions within their area, as well as within any "All Council" meetings that are held.   It allows the various councils to focus in on their areas, allows proper oversight, transparancy and succession planning, while simulataneously bringing more people into these critical roles and distributing the labour for these volunteers mroe effectively.  Scroll down to view the areas of focus and relationship between councils

Please reach out to the GCRA President or Secretary if you are interested in joining our team!  We are always looking for volunteers and there are many opportunities open.  

GCRA Council Format
Executive Council:
Past President*
Executive Vice President
VP Finance
VP Operations
VP Administration
VP Development
Director of Safety, Disciplines and Appeals
Director of Finance
Ice Scheduler
Director at Large
Operations Council:                                 
VP Operations
Competitive Director
Competitive Convenors (3)
Regional Director
Regional Convenors (2)
Novice Director
Novice Convenors (1-2)
Administrative Programs Council:
VP Administration
Equipment Manager
Director of Administration
Referee in Chief
Director of Publicity and Promotions
Tournament Manager
Communications Coordinator
Development Council:
VP Development
Technical Director - Player
Coach Mentor
Technical Director - Coaching
Convenor Bunnies
Summer Camp Manager(s)


Focus Areas



Interested in knowing what the job is about?  Link to NEW PROPOSED JOB DESCRIPTIONS (DRAFT)

  Role Council    Type 2018/2019   2019/2020  
 1 President Exec Elected Rick Burchill  Rick Burchill
 2 Exec VP  Exec Elected n/a Jennifer Kosak
 3 Secretary Exec Elected Darlene Pickup Darlene Pickup
 4 VP Finance Exec Appointed Nadia Wolters Annie Ste-Croix
 5 VP Operations Exec/Ops Elected n/a Jen Vila
 6  VP Development Exec/Dev Elected Celine Leduc* VACANT
 7   VP Administration Exec/Admin Elected Michelle Reis Kelley Perreault
 8  Director Safety, Discipline & Appeals Exec Elected n/a Chuck Kennedy
 9 Director of Accounting Exec Elected n/a VACANT
 10  Scheduler Exec Appointed Jay Waxman Jay Waxman
 11 Director at Large Exec Elected Kelley Perreault Josee Sabourin
 12 Competitive Director Ops Elected vacant* Celine Leduc
 13 Regional Director Ops Elected Marie Drolet* Marie Drolet
 14 Novice Director Ops Elected Jen Vila* VACANT
 15 Competitive Convenors (3) Ops Appointed   Darlene Pickup Dan Altherr, Torie Billings, Darlene Pickup
 16 Regional Convenors (2) Ops Appointed None Terri-Lyn Campbell, Michelle Reis
 17 Novice Convenors (2) Ops Appointed None VACANT
 18 Registrar Admin Appointed Phil Clement VACANT
 19 Equipment Manager Admin Appointed Lance Martin Lance Martin
 20 Director of Administration Admin Elected n/a VACANT
 21 Webaster Admin Appointed Jen Kosak VACANT
 22 Referee in Chief Admin Appointed Eve Berthelot Eve Berthelot
 23 Director of Publicity & Promotions Admin Elected none VACANT
 24 Communications Coordinator Admin Appointed None Omar Nalley, Beth Lakoff
 25 Tournament Manager Admin Appointed Serge Robichaud  & Nat Altherr Serge Robichaud  & Nat Altherr
 26 Director of Player Development Dev Elected n/a VACANT
 27 Coach Mentor Dev Appointed None VACANT
 28 Director of Coach Development Dev Elected None VACANT
 29 Summer Camp Manager Dev Appointed Jessica Mainwood Jessica Mainwood / Celine Leduc
 30 Bunny Convenor Dev Appointed None Amy Grosset




Why the change?

Link to the NEW BYLAWS

Gloucester Ringette was originally formed in 1972.  In 2002 Gloucester Ringette merged with Cumberland to become the GCRA.  It is likely that in 2002 (at the time of the merger) a few slight amendments were done to the bylaws to incorporate the new boundaries, and the 'new' updated bylaws were adopted at that time. Since then, only minimal maintenance has been done, and the Bylaws, in their current condition, are challenging to read at best with duplicationgaps, and ultimately a governance structure which is simply not sustainable.  The defined executive and limited (mostly unfilled) officer (a.k.a "appointed")  roles have been filled by a very small number of volunteers.  GCRA has historically been one of the largest  ringette associations in the province of Ontario.  In order to continue to improve and be successful as organization we need more volunteers in our councils to help get the work done.
With the new bylaws you will see the following benefits:
  • A modern, clearly articulated, easy flowing and understandable set of rules to which the GCRA Governing Body will be accountable
  • New Governance Structure:
    • GCRA will now be administered by a set of councils - putting more bums in seats; 
    • more transparency within councils -  helps more than one person be doing any one specific thing alone
    • A more effective governance structure with more evenly distributed workloads
    • Good succession planning 
List of Jobs open for election and Appointement at (or after) the AGM

Charts of elected and appointee jobs that will be open for Election at the AGM or for appointment can be found HERE.

We've listed 4 tables that indicate the TO BE availability (if proposed bylaws are adopted) and the AS IS availability (if proposed bylaws are not adopted)

We value your feedback.  Please send any inquriies to the GCRA Secretary:

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