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Gloucester Cumberland Ringette Association

Volunteer Screening

Gloucester-Cumberland Ringette Association 

Volunteer Screening Policy


Members of the Gloucester-Cumberland Ringette Association (GCRA) Executive are responsible for ensuring that the proper safeguards are in place to create and maintain a safe environment for its players.

As an Association, we have a responsibility to screen our volunteers who have access to young players. GCRA adopts Ringette Ontario’s Volunteer Screening Policy, which can be found at:

Screening-Policy.pdf (


Each volunteer position has a specific set of conditions and responsibilities and the level of screening requirements is determined by the "risk" category of the position. Positions in the GCRA are classified as high, medium or low risk depending upon the amount of interaction and influence the volunteer has over players or whether there is a monetary risk to the Association. They are as follows:

Low Risk - Individuals involved in low risk assignments who are not in a supervisory role, not directing others, not involved with financial/cash management, and/or do not have regular access to Vulnerable Individuals. 


a) Parents, youth, or volunteers who are helping out on a non-regular informal basis 

b) Coaches and Officials under the age of 18 years. 


Low risk individuals will: 

  1. Complete a Screening Disclosure Form

  2. Complete an Application Form or agreement indicating that the individual has read and understands Ringette Ontario’s policies;

  3. Participate in training, orientation, and monitoring as determined by Ringette Ontario;

  4. Provide an Annual Attestation Form.


Medium Risk – Individuals involved in medium risk assignments who may be in a supervisory role, may direct others, may be involved with financial/cash management, and/or who may have limited access to Vulnerable Individuals. 


a) Association and Regional board members and volunteers who may handle funds, personal information and help organize events with limited access to athletes under the age of 18 years 

b) Coaches/Bench staff who are only involved with athletes over the age of 18 years. 


Medium risk individuals will: 

  1. Complete and provide an Enhanced Police Records Check

  2. Complete a Screening Disclosure Form

  3. Complete an Application Form or agreement indicating that the individual has read and understands Ringette Ontario’s policies; 

  4. Provide an Annual Attestation Form;

  5. Provide one letter of reference related to the position sought; 

  6. Participate in training, orientation, and monitoring as determined by Ringette Ontario; 

  7. Provide a driver’s abstract, if requested


High Risk – Individuals involved in high risk assignments who occupy positions of trust and/or authority, have a supervisory role, direct others, are involved with financial/cash management, and who have frequent access to Vulnerable Individuals. 


a) All coaches/bench staff registered on a Team Registration Form (TRF) on teams with athletes under the age of 18 years. 

b) All Coaches/bench staff who travel with athletes under the age of 18 years. 

c) All Coaches/bench staff who could be alone with athletes under the age of 18 years. 

d) Association and Regional Volunteers who are directly involved with the handling of funds and personal information of participants under the age of 18 years. Roles may include but not limited to President, Treasurer, Registrar, and Committee Coordinators. 

e) Association and Regional Volunteers who are directly involved with participants under the age of 18 years. 

f) All referees and officials over the age of 18 years.


High Risk individuals will: 

  1. Complete and provide a Vulnerable Sector Check;

  2. Complete an Application Form or agreement indicating that the individual has read and understands Ringette Ontario’s policies; 

  3. Provide an Annual Attestation Form; 

  4. Provide one letter of reference related to the position sought;

  5. Participate in training, orientation, and monitoring as determined by Ringette Ontario; 

  6. Provide a driver’s abstract, if requested.

*A Criminal Record Check every three years 

*A Screening Disclosure Form every three years 

*An Annual Attestation Form declaring no change 

*Immediate notification of any changes to their screening disclosure form 

*A Vulnerable Sector Check once

In situations where a volunteer has more than one role within the Association, data will be collected for the position deemed to have the highest risk level.


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