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Gloucester Cumberland Ringette Association

Code of Conduct

Parents must be familiar with the GCRA Parent Code of Conduct.  Effective in the 2018/19 season, all parents must read and sign a parent Code of Conduct.

TEAM FORM Click here to access a TEAM PDF copy which the team manager shall print & have all parents sign.

Parents should be familiar with the conseqences of not abiding by the Code of Conduct.  This is part of the GCRA Discipline, Harassment and Appeals Policy, which can be found here.

Code of Conduct

The GCRA is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Furthermore, the GCRA supports equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices. Members are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of the GCRA. Members will be subject to sanctions according to the GCRA's Discipline Policy for engaging in any of the following behavior:

a) Any conduct detrimental to the game of ringette, including but not limited to, abusive use of alcohol, non-medical use of drugs, use of alcohol by minors;
b) Verbally or physically abusing an official, or an opposing team member preceding, during or following a game;
c) Showing disrespect to the officials, including the use of foul language and obscene or offensive gestures;
d) Not complying with the rules, regulations or policies of the GCRA, as adopted and amended from time to time;
e) Any behavior on or off the ice which in the judgment of the person in authority, places the integrity of the event or the GCRA in question;
f) eliberately disregarding the ORA or the GCRA Rules as amended from time to time; 
g) Verbally or physically abusing a member of a bench staff, member of the GCRA Executive or any GCRA ringette player immediately preceding, during or following a GCRA event including but not limited to games, practices, tournaments, evaluations and tryouts.

The GCRA Code of Conduct shall govern all disciplinary matters within its jurisdiction to the extent that it conflicts with or augments the Code of Conduct of the Ontario Ringette Association or Ringette Canada, but shall not supersede or replace elements of the GCRA Constitution or ByLaws. 

GCRA Summer 2025 Pre-Season Training Camps


2025 U14AA Tryout Schedule


Regional Sort Out Schedule Fun2-U19


2024 U19/A Tryouts
